Villa in Grünwald

Field report: Parquet renovation of a villa

Amidst the majestic backdrop of Grünwald, we recently revitalized the parquet floors of an impressive villa.

The renovation in Grünwald

As usual, the procedure began with the powerful Hummel parquet sander, which laid the foundation for the subsequent detail work. This is where the edge sander came into play to make even the smallest angles and steps flawless.

The use of the disc sander

The crowning glory was the use of the disc sander. This masterpiece of technology produced a surface that impressed with its flawless smoothness. This is where the high-quality abrasives from the Riwo Commerce sanding accessories came into their own.

Protection and splendor with high-quality oil

Finally, we treated the parquet floor with a high-quality oil to not only highlight its natural splendor, but also to ensure long-lasting protection. The quality of our abrasives played a key role in achieving this impressive result.

Riwo Commerce sanding accessories for craftsmen

Our products are not just tools; they are the secret weapon that makes the difference. We believe in quality, precision and the search for perfection. When you use our abrasives, you not only transform surfaces, but also your work. They not only make your projects more efficient, but also more effective.

Riwo Commerce is not just about products; it's about your passion, your creativity and your aspirations. We are proud to support those who turn their visions into reality, who turn ideas into masterpieces.


Conclusion and contact option

The parquet renovation of this villa in Grünwald was like a magical awakening for the rooms, and Riwo Commerce is proud to have been part of this transformation to turn our client's home into a true paradise. If you too are looking for the treasures of quality sanding accessories and premium abrasives, then we invite you to visit our magical abrasives paradise. Riwo Commerce is the epitome of quality and reliability in the world of craftsmanship.

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