Apartment dans un immeuble ancien Ă  Lehel

Rapport d'expérience : Rénovation d'un appartement ancien

In the heart of Lehel's enchanting décor, a beautiful old apartment has undergone a renaissance to keep it looking new. Riwo Commerce is delighted to have contributed to this change.

La puissance des bons outils : Achetez une meule dans l'atelier d'abrasifs

This impressive renovation project began with a clear vision and the best tools. Our client chose the powerful Hummel parquet polisher and began working with a large 36-grit zirconium abrasive disc to eliminate the old cracks and irregularities. Precise movements created the perfect base.

La perfection jusque dans les moindres détails

Our reliable precision chisel has been used for precision work to ensure that even the smallest coins and edges are impeccable. In order to measure the progress of the project, we adjusted the granulometry to optimize the surface. Finally, we have made the surface very brilliant with the help of an abrasive zirconium disk with a 60-plus grain finish.

Le point fort - la ponceuse Ă  disque de notre magasin de produits abrasifs

The highlight of the project was our ponceuse à disque, which gave the parquet a breathtaking beauty. A true artist in our ponçage workshop , this ponçage professional transformed the plancher into a chef-d'Ɠuvre. In addition, the soil has been treated with a high-quality oil that has not only restored its natural splendor, but has also left a protective layer that withstands the test of time.

Les touches finales

There is no need to neglect the installation of assorted tiles, a small but crucial addition. These plinths are also available in our paving workshop and ensure a smooth transition from the floor to the wall, which completes the renovation perfectly.

Conclusion : Plongez dans la magie de Riwo Commerce

The renovation of this old apartment in Lehel is a chef-d'Ɠuvre de transformation, in which the high-quality mills and abrasives from our abrasives workshop played a key role. If you are planning a similar project, visit our abrasives boutique. Riwo Commerce is synonymous with quality and reliability in the world of craftsmanship. Laissez-vous inspirer par notre expertise et transformez vos projets en vĂ©ritables Ɠuvres d'art.

Allez Ă  l'atelier d'abrasifs

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